RMS (Ride Manage System):

  • RMS is an web-based system created by Janis Baldwin, a Region 5 member for use by all NATRC ride managers for any NATRC-sanctioned competitive trail rides and for which anyone, (NATRC members or non-members), can register.
  • RMS is not owned or operated by NATRC. Change as of May 2013: NATRC admin personnel can:
    1. Pull ride reports
    2. Edit rider and horse profiles to correct names, especially, to match the names in the NATRC database. Once corrected, said names can be locked in. If legitimate name change occurs, notify NATRC who will then change the name in both databases.
    3. Help administer the approved breed list.
  • No fee is required or levied for use of RMS.
  • Anyone wishing to use RMS must create an account in RMS, much like other websites. Likewise, RMS accounts must be self-maintained. That means if your email address changes, you move, sell a horse, buy a horse, then you are responsible for maintaining your own account, rider and horse profiles.
  • Within the rider profile is a textbox label "NATRC membership expiration date". This field is for documenting your NATRC membership and must be self-maintained EVERY time you renew your NATRC membership. Joining NATRC neither automatically creates an RMS account for you nor updates this field. Likewise creating an RMS account does not create NATRC membership. We have explored the possibility of NATRC updating the membership in RMS and the short story is that it would be too labor intensive. So everyone must maintain their membership status in their rider profiles. Ride secretaries do validate membership when you enter their ride events.
  • RMS is administered by an appointed individual or team within each region. The regional administrator's name and email link are at the bottom of the Main Menu. Questions should always be first directed to the regional administrator.


  • NATRC is a competitive trail ride governing body.
  • Membership in NATRC must be purchased through NATRC (www.natrc.org).
  • Membership in NATRC does not cause an account to be created in RMS and vice versa.